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The Trust Transformation
We'll Give You the Keys to Build Successful Relationships.

This program, developed by trust experts Roy Reid, JR., APR, CPRC and Dr. Omayra Mansfield, MD, MHA, FACEP,  is designed to help you become intentional and mindful about earning, cultivating, repairing, and restoring trust. Our goal is to adjust your perspective, consider the current state of trust in your life, and take massive action to improve it.

Survey Results

Survey Results

100% of Team Members agreed or strongly agreed that The Trust Transformation was effective in providing practical strategies to build trust and promote whole person health.

Team Member Feedback

Team Member Feedback

"The learning strategies in this course have helped me to get to know myself better and build more trusting relationships."

"I am taking better care of myself physically and embracing my emotions.  This has made me feel better about myself. I am learning to take care of me before I can take care of others.  This has allowed me to be better with working on trust and rebuilding relationships with others."

Receive Points

Receive Points

This program is worth 10 wellness incentive points by self-reporting in WebMD under the "Well-being Education Course" category. 

Clinical Credits

PEP program participants can earn credits for attending. To obtain your certificate, visit ALN and upon completion of the course and click "Print Certificate".

Family Option Eligible

Welcome to bring guests (includes spouse, adult child or another adult accountability partner.)